Presentations & Reports


STEAM Programmatic Considerations

In an effort to support interdisciplinary teaching and learning, as a principal, I regularly presented STEAM professional learning for staff. Our professional learning work was centered on using data-informed decision-making that indicated our students needed to improve problem-solving skills for improved lifelong learning.


STEAM Programmatic Considerations

In an effort to support interdisciplinary teaching and learning, as a principal, I regularly presented STEAM professional learning for staff. Our professional learning work was centered on using data-informed decision-making that indicated our students needed to improve problem-solving skills for improved lifelong learning.


Mentoring and New Teacher Induction Program

During my transition to serving as superintendent, I learned the district did not have a mentoring program, nor did we have an induction program for licensed staff. As a district team of licensed staff and school leaders, we created a mentoring ad-hoc committee and implemented the Mentoring and New Teacher Induction Program and eventually rolled out a full mentoring and Induction program.


Mentoring and New Teacher Induction Program

During my transition to serving as superintendent, I learned the district did not have a mentoring program, nor did we have an induction program for licensed staff. As a district team of licensed staff and school leaders, we created a mentoring ad-hoc committee and implemented the Mentoring and New Teacher Induction Program and eventually rolled out a full mentoring and Induction program.


Facilities Master Plan

While superintendent, we created and established the district’s first-ever Facilities Maintenance Plan and an interactive assessment tool for long-term alignment of the plan.


Facilities Master Plan

While superintendent, we created and established the district’s first-ever Facilities Maintenance Plan and an interactive assessment tool for long-term alignment of the plan.


STEAM Engine

As a component of my efforts to support cross-curricular teaching and learning, I provided a presentation on employing STEAM philosophy for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Participants engaged in whole and small group work on integrating collaborative curricular course team planning. Professional learning also focused on thinking “beyond the acronym” for including special education, library, humanities, etc.


STEAM Engine

As a component of my efforts to support cross-curricular teaching and learning, I provided a presentation on employing STEAM philosophy for interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Participants engaged in whole and small group work on integrating collaborative curricular course team planning. Professional learning also focused on thinking “beyond the acronym” for including special education, library, humanities, etc.


Equity Role-Play

My Cabinet created a presentation for whole group and small breakout session work on Equity and supporting students by developing empathy and not acting as a bystander. The presentation focused on improving the learning environment for students by ensuring a safe and inclusive environment by adults, who act as learning communities. Participating staff were able to increase their knowledge with respect to responding to stereotypes, bias, and hate-speech. A “hate speech protocol” was also reviewed for empowering staff via professional learning to employ the protocol and not act as bystanders.


Equity Role-Play

My Cabinet created a presentation for whole group and small breakout session work on Equity and supporting students by developing empathy and not acting as a bystander. The presentation focused on improving the learning environment for students by ensuring a safe and inclusive environment by adults, who act as learning communities. Participating staff were able to increase their knowledge with respect to responding to stereotypes, bias, and hate-speech. A “hate speech protocol” was also reviewed for empowering staff via professional learning to employ the protocol and not act as bystanders.


SEL Student Supports

As superintendent, my Cabinet and principal teams worked on establishing supports to improve safety for all students and to empower our students to achieve and succeed while enrolled in our schools. The district did not have any policies or procedures in place to support a variety of diverse student populations prior to me becoming superintendent. Included is a letter to staff, a presentation provided by the administrative team on opening day for all employees, new policies passed in April 2017, and procedures that were created and published during the current school year. The policy committee worked extremely close with our principals and their assistant principal teams to provide guidance and coaching to ensure improved equity for all students.


SEL Student Supports

As superintendent, my Cabinet and principal teams worked on establishing supports to improve safety for all students and to empower our students to achieve and succeed while enrolled in our schools. The district did not have any policies or procedures in place to support a variety of diverse student populations prior to me becoming superintendent. Included is a letter to staff, a presentation provided by the administrative team on opening day for all employees, new policies passed in April 2017, and procedures that were created and published during the current school year. The policy committee worked extremely close with our principals and their assistant principal teams to provide guidance and coaching to ensure improved equity for all students.


Professional Learning

As principal, I led our school’s shift from professional development towards professional learning. Staff were provided professional learning to ensure awareness and participation in ongoing budgetary and programmatic decisions, school/campus events and curricular/facility initiatives, assessments, our collective “Goal 25.01” achievement aspirations, and our collective Equity Professional Learning needs supported through whole group and breakout student session work.


Professional Learning

As principal, I led our school’s shift from professional development towards professional learning. Staff were provided professional learning to ensure awareness and participation in ongoing budgetary and programmatic decisions, school/campus events and curricular/facility initiatives, assessments, our collective “Goal 25.01” achievement aspirations, and our collective Equity Professional Learning needs supported through whole group and breakout student session work.


NSDC 2005 Summer Conference

While completing my doctorate, I was invited and presented at the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) Summer 2005 conference on the role of teachers in educational leadership. The presentation focused on dialogue as a means to facilitate teacher leadership by advancing and nurturing close, trusting, and authentic relationships with colleagues via collegial discourse.


NSDC 2005 Summer Conference

While completing my doctorate, I was invited and presented at the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) Summer 2005 conference on the role of teachers in educational leadership. The presentation focused on dialogue as a means to facilitate teacher leadership by advancing and nurturing close, trusting, and authentic relationships with colleagues via collegial discourse.


Annual State of the School

As principal, I provided an annual “State of the School presentation for all stakeholders. The presentation included a focus on freshman student on-track progress, Advanced Placement (AP) enrollment, standardized testing data, school culture and climate, student support services, and parental involvement and support services.


Annual State of the School

As principal, I provided an annual “State of the School presentation for all stakeholders. The presentation included a focus on freshman student on-track progress, Advanced Placement (AP) enrollment, standardized testing data, school culture and climate, student support services, and parental involvement and support services.


Student Performance and Attendance

While superintendent, my Cabinet created a presentation based on an analysis of student mathematics and reading/literacy utilizing Grant funds to meet student needs (funds were monitored annually). A Task Force was also assembled to examine alternatives to suspension and work with the counseling department and Dean to implement changes for better supporting truant students. A review of cultural competencies was also provided along with recommendations for better supporting all students via an equity lens.


Student Performance and Attendance

While superintendent, my Cabinet created a presentation based on an analysis of student mathematics and reading/literacy utilizing Grant funds to meet student needs (funds were monitored annually). A Task Force was also assembled to examine alternatives to suspension and work with the counseling department and Dean to implement changes for better supporting truant students. A review of cultural competencies was also provided along with recommendations for better supporting all students via an equity lens.
