
Presentations & Reports

School Calendar Review

This is another example of a principal being empowered to lead a district-wide stakeholder team with respect to the district’s calendar. During the needs analysis stage of the development of our strategic plan, data collected indicated the number one social/emotional concern by students and parents was the placement of first semester finals and end of the first semester after winter break. Data indicated maintaining finals (and the end of the semester) after winter break resulted in added student stress and anxiety. As a result, a district-wide committee was formed and led by one of my principals to collect data and make recommendations with respect to the school/district calendar. Subsequently, after almost one year of working with stakeholders, a recommendation was made to modify the start and end times of the school year to move finals before winter break (and end of the first semester before break). The recommendation was approved to better support the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) of all students.

School Calendar Review

School Calendar Review


CANE Dubh Publishing

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