
Blue Ribbon

Like a Leaf is to a Tree

In 2012, U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, recognized Lane Tech College Prep High School as a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School in Washington, D.C. Lane Tech was selected along with 269 other schools according to growth, the number of students with free or reduced lunch, the percentage of students meeting or exceeding state expectations, as well as all special needs students meeting Blue Ribbon criteria.

Chris Thriving Quote

I traveled to Washington along with our journalism and English teacher, Seth Johnson, for the two-day National Blue Ribbon School Award ceremony and celebration. We were invited to apply the year prior in a time when leadership would be turning over and very few schools were making adequate yearly progress (AYP). However, the curricular programs I was leading were thriving, and our ever expansive, accessible, and equitable Advanced Placement program was growing.

Lane Tech Acknowledgement

I recall completing the application and our soon-to-be retiring principal submitting and wondering if all the curricular restructuring and student subgroup growth occurring would lead to Lane Tech being acknowledged. I was beyond thrilled when I learned we were selected for the reward, and especially honored to accept the award alongside Seth Johnson, on behalf of all our teachers, students, families, and community.

LT Blue Ribbon Banners

A wonderful, commemorative video was produced to mark the achievement. The production contains the personal and professional thoughts of various staff regarding Blue Ribbon achievement, and can be viewed below.


Referenced links and documents:
Bron-Y-Aur-Stomp by John Paul Jones, Jimmy Page and Robert Plant

Carpe Diem by Chris Dignam

Educating the Whole Child: Improving School Climate to Support Student Success, Linda Darling-Hammond and Channa M. Cook-Harvey. Learning Policy Institute. September 2018

How Principals Affect Students and Schools: A Systematic Synthesis of Two Decades of Research, Jason A. Grissom et al. New York: The Wallace Foundation. February 2021

Lane Tech Named Blue Ribbon School, The Warrior

Lawndale News Lane Tech Receives Blue Ribbon Award, Lawndale News

Successful Leadership: A Review of the International Literature, Christopher Day and Pamela Sammons. CfBT Education Trust. 2013

CANE Dubh Publishing

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